River-Joy Jack Russell Terriers

Our Articles

  How to Dig a Hole, by Tempe the Trencher
Crazy for Diggin to My Dogs
  Mister Groundhog & You Ain't Nothin But a Groundhog
  Finding a Healthy Puppy
  Tips for Buyers to avoid Juvenile Cataracts
  Rescuing a Terrier
  Resource List for New Owners
  How Much DNA can dance on the head of a pin?
  Juvenile Cataracts Progression, Tips for Buyers and Breeders
  If I Could Change Your World - a song for our terriers
  Is Your Dog Really CERF Tested?

  Photographing & Presenting Terriers for Prospective Buyers

  Care of Brood Bitches

  Puppy/Litter Weight Record Sheet
  Whelping Supplies

  Vaccination Schedule











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