River-Joy Jack Russell Terriers

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We think you might enjoy the links below to our favorite books on training, Jack Russells and other dog topics.

by Suzanne Clothier
If you started life as a child who loved dogs more than anything else in the world and grew to an adult with the same love, then this new book by Suzanne Clothier belongs at the top of your Christmas list! Suzanne talks about her childhood with dogs and her relationship with them, and the differences between training and having a real relationship with your dog. She talks about specific dogs and situations, what she learned from them, and how they have changed her attitude towards dogs and towards training. The dogs you'll meet and the lessons they teach may make you want to start over with your dogs and develop a better relationship, as they did for this reader. At the very least you will come away from this special book with a different attitude towards your canine companions and a new understanding of training and relationships.

The Other End of the Leash
By Patricia McConnell
The Other End of the Leash begins with an eloquently simple premise: "All dogs are brilliant at perceiving the slightest movement that we make, and they assume each tiny movement has meaning." With that in mind, all of Dr. Patricia McConnell's recommendations for communicating with your canine make immediate sense.

The Power of Positive Dog Training
by Pat Miller & Jean Donaldson
In this long-awaited book by one of the leading proponents of positive dog training, Pat Miller demonstrates how you can train your dog, have fun, and build a lasting relationship at the same time. Learn how you can reward your dog to obtain and reinforce the behaviors you could only dream about achieving. When you apply Pat's Positive Training Principles and follow Pat's unique six-week training program, your dog will learn to think and to choose proper behavior.

Puppy Puzzle: Evaluating Structural Quality
by Pat & Bob Hastings
Outlines the structural evaluation process developed by the author and her husband. It will help develop your "eye" for the puppy that belongs in a breeding program and the show ring. It can help in choosing a puppy for obedience, agility, harness work or field trials. It can also assist in recognizing which puppies are better suited to a "couch potato" lifestyle and should not be bred. The author and her husband were professional all-breed handlers for a combined 42 years, and are currently AKC judges

Culture Clash
by Jean Donaldson
Jean Donaldson's first book is quite simply the very best dog book I have ever read. It is utterly unique, fascinating to the extreme, and literally overflowing with information that is so new it virtually redefines the state of the art in dog behavior and training. Written in Jean's inimitably informal yet precise lecture style, the book races along on par with a good thriller.



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