River-Joy Jack Russell Terriers

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We think you might enjoy the links below to our favorite books on training, Jack Russells and other dog topics.

by Brenda Scidmore & Patricia McConnell
Raise that new puppy successfully with this understandable and user-friendly primer! Includes socialization, how to raise a confident puppy,children and puppies, basic obedience/manners, how to praise or correct, crate training, play biting, housetraining, through adolescence and problem- solving (submissive urination, home alone, barking, car sickness, more).

by Ian Dunbar
Do you know someone who is getting a new puppy? Help them get started right with this popular video. Easy to use techniques for the whole family to train the new dog...puppy or adult. How to establish a bond with the dog, how to get off-leash control and teach simple commands. Important information on problem prevention and training. Breeders all over the U.S. advise their puppy-buyers to get this!

Clarice Rutherford & David Neil
The book gives important information on choosing a breeder, stages of development, what to expect and how to train as your puppy grows. The video covers planning for the new puppy, selecting a breeder, housetraining, where to sleep at night, crate training, bonding with your new puppy, socialization, discipline, simple commands and leash training. The book is our best seller on puppy development and early training. Some breeders give it to new puppy buyers!

by Corally Burmaster
Think your new puppy is too young to train? Think again! Puppy Kindergarten is your guide to successfully training your puppy (older dogs, too!) regardless of age. Clicker training is such a gentle method of training you don't need to wait for the puppy to grow up to start training. Your puppy will want to be trained! Bring out that clicker and watch him beg you to play the training game. Everyone in the family can participate. Gives clear, step-by-step instructions on how to get the puppy to do the behavior you want, put a behavior on cue so you can ask for it any time, any place, and teach your puppy to ignore distractions.

Puppy Puzzle: Evaluating Structural Quality
by Pat & Bob Hastings
Outlines the structural evaluation process developed by the author and her husband. It will help develop your "eye" for the puppy that belongs in a breeding program and the show ring. It can help in choosing a puppy for obedience, agility, harness work or field trials. It can also assist in recognizing which puppies are better suited to a "couch potato" lifestyle and should not be bred. The author and her husband were professional all-breed handlers for a combined 42 years, and are currently AKC judges




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