River-Joy Jack Russell Terriers
Tempe Wick of River-Joy's Grandfather

Pedigree of: Elusive Raider
Sex M Reg No. 521-98A
Date of Birth 3/24/1995 Breed Jack Russell Terrier
Owner Nancy & Bill Breakstone Breeder  
Colour & Markings 13.25" Tri, Broken Coat Credits Bronze Medallion,
1996 JRTCA Nationals Reserve Open Dog
White Gate Bomber
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
Riverview Flare
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
Tag of Windermere Rip (R Spoor)
Sherry (R Spoor)
Riverview Little Stitches Foxwarren Floyd
Riverview Little Zipper
White Gate Brass
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
Pleasant Valley Pistol Pleasant Valley Matt
Pleasant Valley Wildfire
Briarpatch Busy
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
Briarpatch Jake
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
Maven's Trish
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
Willful Crafty Kate Fox Run Tyler Riverview Flare
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
Tag of Windermere
Riverview Little Stitches
The Hollow
Devon of Fox Run
Foxwarren Chap
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
The Hollow Sofia
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
Meynell Crafty Jester of Meynell Meynell Axeman
Foxwarren Spider II
Crazy of Meynell Chip (S Wale)
Silver (S Wale)


Please feel free to contact us by Email or phone 831-476-9065
for more information regarding Tempe's pedigree.


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